Bill's Opinions 

The Punisher

And I thought I had a rough week. Next time I think I am having a bad day, I am gonna think of this guy. This was a very cool movie if you like seeing people get shot, hit, stabbed, blown up, cut, or otherwise injured.

I will give you a basic plot summary without ruining anything too major...

This FBI dude named Frank is like Mr. bigshot cop, and makes this huge bust. It goes kinda bad cause almost all the witnesses are killed by the swat team. One of those dead guys happens to be the son of a rich-as-a-mofo mob guy. The mob guy wants revenge on whoever killed his son, so he has Franks ENTIRE family killed. I dont mean his wife and kids, I mean his entire family. They catch him at a family reunion and kill every family member he has. We are talking brothers, parents, neices, nephews, and everyone else. It was messed up. They try to kill frank but somehoe he survives getting shot at point blank range... I dont quite get that part but it was still cool.

Anyhow Needless to say Frank is pretty pissed off. He goes to work trying to find out everything he can about the guys that did this to him and starts killing all of them, but it isnt quite that shallow. He turns them against eachother and all Hell breaks loose. It is definately one of the most violent movies I have seen in a while. Not as bloody as kill bill, but close.

One chick gets dropped in front of a train, 2 people get run over by a truck, one guy gets boiling water thrown in his face and tossed down a flight of stairs, another guy gets the blade from a paper cutter brought down on his forhead, some one gets shot through the neck with a bow and arrow, some one gets stabbed in the jaw up through the mouth, another guy gets stabbed inthe neck with some kind of projectile knife, One guy gets tied to a land line with a crank chain so that when he cant hold it up any more he gets blown up and another guy gets sot, drug through a parkinglot behind a car and then blown up. I think that is all of the creative deaths. There are countless oter shootings and stuff but those are the interesting ones.

The only thing that really bothered me about the movie is that it is set in Tamp Florida. I didnt quite get why that city was movie worthy. i always thought tampa was plural for tampon. Despite that, it was still a very cool film, and worth the 8 bucks which is rare these days.

Revenge is cool.

Beware the Mongols at the gym!

What the crap? All I want to do at the gym is work out. Thats it. Well, that and maybe check out an ass or two. But for the most part I just want to workout. These yellow demons are thwarting my workout!

Every time I go there it is a new trick with these people. Usually they are sitting there half out of breath from doing crunches on the ab machine taking up space and breathing my air. But they have managed to find new ways to disturb everyones workout. I will give it to them, they are very creative. If 2 heads are beter than one then 2 billion heads must be fantastic!

I dont know if these guys are chinese, japanese, mongolian, vitnamese, laotian, cambodian, taiwanese or what. They annoy the hell out of me though. They take hours between sets and dont share the weights. They don't allow outsiders to work in when they use the machines. I guess they heard what we white people did to the indians (did I say indian? oops. I meant Native American. PC pricks) and don't want to risk getting one of our killer diseases. Taking your time is all fine and good but it just irks me when some little 5 foot tall asian has set the weight to almost nothing on the machine and is sitting there huffing and puffing instead of letting me work in between his sets. I dont know what it is about their culture that hasn't exposed them to gyms, but they need to read up on weight room coutesy. I would think these guys would be in better shape than this. I mean if they plan on being ninjas or samurais some day, then they need to get with it. Buy a jackie can workout video for cryin out loud!

Today was the last straw! I am washing my hands in the bathroom about to head to the weight room and some sneaky little mongol busts up in there and proceeds to explosively vomit into the trashcan which I am standing next to! Holy crap this stuff went everywhere! It was pink! What did he eat to vomit pink? Man I jumped back so fast I sawmyself doing it. The dude behind me hopped up into the sink he was so frightened. We thought it was a nija attack! So while this little dude is dryheaving over the trashcan like my roomate after a night out, I realize I got vomit shrapnel on my pants. That was it! He wasn't ruining my workout. I caught his punk self inbetween heaves and tipped him up into the trash can.

I am peitioning the gym to build a wall to eep the mongols out. Hey. It worked for China, and half of them had mongolian cousins. Cold blooded.

It is official... I have been compared to Hitler!

Thats right, some person finally had the guts to put me in my place! I was told off! They set me straight! Never again will I dare to think for myself! No! I will always try to have a disneyworld view of things and hug everybody! I am just like Hitler. I confess. I too am responsible for 6 million deaths. I too take pleasure in torturing people. I even have the mustache. But, what about all the good things Hitler did? Whatever.

The best part about this brave soul is that they are SO brave they dont even need to list a name or E mail address to discuss their libelous statement. They chose to remain anonymous. And for that, I solute them! It is people like you who are the backbone of this country! People like you who would like to be tough but would rather hide behind a keyboard. You are the kind of person that makes this country great, and I cannot belive I was so ignorant to think I was entitled to voice my opinion (What did you really expect from a site with this web address retard?). Heaven forbid anything I write should make anyone actually think. Please let me cleanse any hint of inuendo or sarcasm from these pages before someone reads something they dislike!

To all of you anonymous people out there, keep on truckin! I hope you drive it right off a cliff too.

I'm just playin, I love you all! Hugs for everyone!

Stop wasting my air!

Some people do not deserve to live. They are wasting valuable resources that could be used on more worthy people. It disgusts me that these unworthy, undeserving, ungrateful people are allowed to walk around with the rest of us. Bullets are cheap. Water, electricity, gasoline and my time are all expensive when wasted by these mistakes.

If you have not proven to be useful by the time you are 18, then I think you should either be shot or deported. I would settle for sending these worthless people to a worthless country, like Haiti. Let them contract AIDS there and suffer a similar misery to the one they have put every one else through. Then, when they finally die the local people can at least benefit from their meat.

What makes a person worthless? Well to be honest it depends on my mood. It doesnt matter really because we can't kill these people. Its not legal, which is a stupid reason not to do anything. But, then there is that whole jail thing.

Oh well, one day legality won't matter and I will snap. Who knows though? That could be interesting. I wonder if the border patrol would have a problem with me kidnapping a bunch of worthless Americans ans smuggling them INTO Mexico. I say that is a fair trade. North america is a free trade zone. We put their escapees on welfare. I would call it an even trade if they took our degenerates off our hands.

Can't you see the news footage? The border patrol would be chasing a U-Haul suspected of carrying illegal immigrants on the freeway. During the fast paced chase they throw down some spike strips. The big van cant get around them and has a blowout beofre it gets to the border. It coasts for a while and when it finally stops in a moment of great tension, much to the surprise of the cops and newsmen alike, a bunch of marginally retarded americans jump out and scatter. They run about all crazy like the clowns at the circus. Then there is me trying desperately to shoot as many of them as I can before they can get back into the country. ...Maybe that isnt such a good idea afterall. But, it would really screw with those border cops.

All of you worthless people out there should wake up and make something of yourselves. Use your rotting minds to do something worth while. The rest of you that don't want to bother with being a contribution should all commit suicide.

Never trust a dude with only one eyebrow!

Ok, so I go to this recruitment party for this potentially lame organization on campus that looks good on a resume. I am trying to meet people and doing a little botty kissing just to make a nice impression. On my way out this dude asks for my information. I give it to him. He says he will give me a call before new member decisions are made. Whatever.

He calls me sunday afternoon and starts rambling on and on about all these people he works with and how cool they are etc. I am thinking this has something to do with the campus organization so I am not really paying too much attention to him. He wants to meet with me so we can talk in person. Whatever. He asks to set up a meeting so I can meet some of his associates. In the back of my mind I am thinking this is all related to the organization I am trying to join. Aparrently it isnt. He kisses my ass and tells me I seem sharp, outgoing, well spoken etc. I am thinking he is either trying to sell me something, trying to convert me to mormonism, or a total flamer who wants something else entirely. He asks me when would be a good time to meet, and I tell him i dont know. I am just putting him off because I dont really have time to shoot the crap with some dork. He says he will call me back when I am next to my calendar and I say ok and hang up.

All in all a weird conversation but I am not really worried, I just figured he was from Montgomery or someplace and never learned how to talk to people. He calls me back later that night. We set a time and decide to meet.

This is what got me. I asked him exactly what we are meeting to discuss. He tells me it is almost impossible to describe on the phone. I ask him to try, and he says he will call me back with some better details when he knows where we are going to meet. Red flag number one.

He calls back the next day and says we are going to meet at his buddy's place because his buddy has a friend that they want to talk with also. Whatever. He tells me how to get there and I ask him again what we are meeting about. He dodges the question again, and tells me his buddy is going to talk to us for a while and it will make more sense then. Another red flag. At this point I agree to meet with them out of sheer curiosity. What could they have to tell me that is so important they dont know what it is?

Well I go over to this guys place. It is an apartment in a pretty nice complex, but nothing really great. It is nice enough that I was initially impressed... until I walked in the door. The guys apartment has almost no furniture. There is nothing on the walls, some old mail on the counter, and no furniture in the bedroom other than the bed. He also didnt have a computer which I thought was odd for a guy living in a pricey place like that. Anyhow, remember that detail its important later.

So, I walk in and the dude who I met at the new member info party thing greeted me, and I noticed for the first time he only had one eyebrow. Like, he has one stripe of hair that goes accross his head. He seriously looked like burt the muppet. I was very dissapointed in myself for not noticing this earlier but he did have a hat on last time I saw him.

Anyhow, we shoot the breeze for a while until the other guy gets there. There is another guy there that I have not met before. He is a big guy who looks stoned or drunk, I couldnt tell. He had squinty eyes, and messed up hair, but was wearing suit pants and a tie.

While we are waiting they totally kiss my ass, telling me they like my jacket, and shoes etc... One guy asks me where my jacket came from because he thinks its so cool. I tell him it nothing special, It deffinately came from american eagle, so there are probably several other people around that have one just like it. They throw a couple more bullshit compliments at me like how they have heard good things about me and so on. Assholes. Who the hell do they think I am? At this point I know I am being buttered up bcause some one wants my money. Pricks. However I had to know what they were slinging. Other than throwing BS like a fastball they definately wanted something.

Then they do the typical whats your major conversation. I tell them criminology and that I want to go federal etc etc. Before I go further let me just Sigh. Ok. I kid you not the next question out of this guys mouth was, "What is the drug test like for the FBI?"

"Well dude I dont exactly know. It is probably like any other piss test."

"Right because my sister says that if you ever smoked up they will be able to tell."

"Maybe. I mean I couldnt tell you, to be honest Im not too concerned myself."

"Yeah I got high a lot when I was younger"

"oh..." What the crap am I supposed to say to that? Im sorry? Thats cool? Whatever. What a way to start a night. After the other dude gets there the same guy that told me what a pot head he was gets up with a white board and marker and And BAM! He's off! Dreams. He starts talking about dreams. He prefaces this by making sure he doesnt want anyone's opinion. He tells us how we are taught by the system to dream small. Kids are always told no. Schools are run by socialists. Blah Blah Blah. I guess he had been taught not to dream of possessing furniture.

He goes from the dream speach to telling us how we are being molded by "the system" into sheep. At this point I am seriously freakin out trying to figure out what group of mental people I have gotten mixed up in. It was either some wacko cult, or a messed up pyramid scheme.

He starts talking about money. A lot of money. Then everything became crystal clear. Pyramid scheme. For the low low investment of 104 dollars plus 108 worth of shopping I should do through their website, I could be making 6 figures in 6 years. All I had to do was recruit people just like they recruited me, and tell them how rich they could get. Then I would be on my way to financial independence, and be a legally recognized small business owner.

Obviously this was totally lame... no let me call it what it was. This was total bullshit, because any idiot knows that no respectable job expects you to drop down money to "join" without something in writing.

You can imagine my dissapointment. At this point the guy went on to talk about success stories etc etc. If you are interested in brainwashing, the website is called If that doesnt sound familiar then does "amway"? Thats right folks its a buyers club, and they want to sell me crap that is so aweful wal mart stores wont even carry it. I can redirect my buying habbits to them and get rebates!!! Thats right instead of saving ten percent by shopping at wal mart I should spend more wth quixtar so I can get a rebate. Holy crap.

Now here is the part I find the most ironic. The dude is up there talking crap about money this and money that. He is telling me how I should dream big and want to make a lot of money, and associate with people who made it. Then he tells me how I need to check out this website. I need to go check it out because he can;t show us. He cant show us because he DOES NOT OWN A COMPUTER!!! Nor does he own furniture! A man with no computer and no furniture is telling me how much money I can make with HIS plan. What the crap? So I ask the other guy that seems to be in the know as much as the speaker a few questions.

"Where are you on that dollar making chart?"

"Me? well I am workin my way up to the 6 percent mark, but you should come to our next meeting."

"6 percent? so thats a lot?"

"Well im not in the 6 figures yet... so do you understand everything, do you have any other questions?"

"Yeah do you have a brochure, or something that has all this in writing? Or is there a website I can go to and see it all again?"

"Nah bro I dont have any brochures, but let me write this website down for you."

I kid you not the man who told me how wealthy he was becoming and how wealthy I could become did not have paper in his apartment, and had to borrow MY pen to write a web address on a torn up used envelope...

Needless to say I had no further questions. If you are interested do a search for quixtar on google. After the first 8 or so pages that it lists, which are all corporate pages tied to quixtar, you will find nothing but negative articles and reports about what a scam this company is.

For now I will contnue to support the evil giant that is wal mart. At least they are honest about being an evil mega corporation.

What is it about sororities?

I must be missing something. There are at least a dozen sororities on this campus. In my mind the reason for having a doezen different organizations is to divide people up based on something more meaningful than looks. However here is the breakdown on this campus... The Stupid ugly girls have their sorority, the stupid cute girls have theirs, fat girls have their sororities (they need more than one for obvious reasons), the blondes have theirs and the plastic surgery fiends have yet another etc, etc.... Once you get through this looks-based facade every one of these organizations is identical. These girls all have meetings on wednesday night to discuss who isn't hanging out with the right crowd, and who isnt dressing right, and who isnt putting up the "good girl" front well enough.

Thats another thing. Who are these girls actually fooling? Does anyone out there think that there is a purpose to a sorority other than boosting your social life? Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a healthy social life. However everyone knows that the best way for a college kid to be social is to consume a lot of alcohol and flirt with members of the opposite sex. The second best way is to hang out where these activities are going on. Yet sororities have these rules about no drinking in marked containers, and no dancing on elevated surfaces and whatnot.

Its like there are 2 sides to every sorority girl. There is the cute little sister girl in her letters, and then there is the colt 45 guzzling sorostitute that has had more sex than Madonna. Its like some sort of twisted bi polar bizzarro world that these girls are forced to visit and put up this front. Maybe its just so daddy will keep paying their dues so they can spend their money on more important things. Like booze and abortions.

These girls are clickish too. I mean damn its like if a guy hits on them and he is in the "wrong" fraternity... too bad for him. I mean ow dare him not know that certain greek letters mean more than others. Of course you will be judged by the coolness of the antiquated obsolete alphapet paraphanalia you choose to wear. Duh frat daddy!

Basically what I am saying is that over all, Sororities are brothels, and the president(which is another stupid term for them to use, like a woman could be president of anything.) is the madame (That means she-pimp).

I am self centered.

Thats what I decided the other day. I want things done my way and at my convenience. I would prefer for things to run on my schedule. It would make things easier if everyone did what I said and shut up about it. I also decided that about 99 percent of other people would probably like things to happen their way also.

The really cool thing is that there are only a small percentage of us that will actually attempt to stop the world and make it work to our convenience. We are the ones who have the nerve, and are self centered enough, to work to adapt any situation to our benifit. I dont mean we are those lazy people that just dont want to work. I mean we put effort into making things run as smoothly for us as possible. If there is a glitch in our life we fix it, or at least try to. This group is often mistaken for lazy, but there are subtle differences that we will get to later.

The rest of you fall into two categories. The first is people that accept the fact that things will not go their way all of the time, and simply deal with it. They may complain but in the end they just deal with it. The second is the ones that simply expect the world to stop for them so they can do what they please.

How is that different than what was described above? Well, one group actually puts effort into making life benefit them. The other, "lazy" group has an arrogant sense of entitlement, and simply expects the world to bow down to them. You have to earn supremacy.

I have discovered that I have very little use for this "lazy" group. I would say that they are either more self centered than most. Either that or they are not smart enough to funtion normally but are smart enough to recognize this, so they complain about the hand life dealt them and whine for special treatment.

Being self centered is not a bad thing to a point. If you are willing to work for what you want thats great. Dont expect it to come to you. Stupid, lazy and self centered is a crappy combination, and it makes for an ass of a human being.

Bassically what I am saying is that one day I will own all of you bitches!

Guns are cool

A hobby of mine since I can remember has been target shooting. I have always been an automatic pistol guy. Revolvers are cool and all but I prefer the auto pistols. First I liked the double action/Single action ones (such as Beretta, Sig etc...). Then I moved into double action only (read Glock). There was a while where i thought there was no better pistol than the Glock. I am still convinced it is one of the best, and probably the best pistol to carry on the job for law enforcement work. However recently I have been introduced into the world of single action pistols, and am liking what I am finding.

For Christmas, my gun collector dad gave me a 1911. For those of you that dont know what that is, its the side arm our military used almost exclusively for almost 80 years, and is still being used my some of our special forces guys in Iraq as we speak. It was originally made by colt but now there are a dozen companies that arguably make better versions of it.

What I like about this pistol is that it is an endlessly modifiable platform. Thats good for me because I love to tinker. The first week I had it I made sure I knew how to take it apart and put it together. I already put different grips on it and so on... In any case any of you shooters should look into the 1911. It makes a great carry gun too. It is thin enough that it just disapears wherever you want to put it. The 7-8 round capacity thing is my only complaint, but I think I can just carry extra magazines if it comes to it. How many times do you need to hit some one with a 45 before they drop anyhow? It is accurate as a mofo too so I ought to be fine if it comes down to it.

The letter I wrote to request donations for a mission trip

Dear some person who has extra cash lying around and wants a tax deduction,

In March of 2004 I will be participating in a mission trip with the Auburn Wesley Foundation. We will be spending 6 days in the Bahamas with the locals. Now I know what you are thinking, "What kind of mission work is there to be done in the Bahamas?" Well let me tell you. The Nassau Hilton needs a new casino and one thing led to another and a friend of a friend got us the hook up and... Just kidding. We are actually going to Eluthera Island. Don't worry if you have never heard of it. I haven't either. All I know about it is this. They really need our help down there. In fact this island is just the stepping stone is Wesley's plan of world domination. We will try our mind cleansing tactics here to see if they will work in the rest of the world.

Now, I know this sounds too good to be true but global domination is not cheap. The test monkeys alone cost about 50 bucks a week to feed. Each member of the "mission" team is being asked to raise $800.00 to cover the cost of going to the Bahamas for a week. I know it has been a while since we have spoken. In fact the last time you heard from me was the last time I needed money. Surely you can find it in your heart to donate to this truly worthy cause. I hope things are well with you, and that you still feel like continuing your philanthropy towards world domination. I ask that you please consider donating something even if it is just a small amount. Every dollar you donate means we are that much closer to everyone else thinking the same way we do. Besides you drive a BMW and the donation is tax deductible so it's not like you can't afford to send me a little something something.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and once again I hope you will consider making a donation.

Is His name,


...Needless to say, I am not going on the mission trip anymore. Oh well such is life.

If dogs could talk

My dogs have an interesting life. i think it would be nice to get their feedback to it. They spend some days sitting outside on the deck sleeping, and some inside... sleeping. The high point of the day is getting fed. Sometimes they will want to play throw the toy. I can tell when they are happy because they wag their tails. I can tell they are mad because they growl. But, what about their other emotions.

Like when there is a chipmunk in the yard and they bark like hell at it... what are they telling it? Do you think they are talking dog smack? I bet they are. I bet its like "Get out of my yard you filthy vermin! You better be glad my humans dont let me out or I will bite you in the ass! I will chase you around the whole yard until you get outside the fence, and then you better believe Im gonna bark at you! And dont let me catch you either! You better believe its dry hump time! Ya filthy bastard!" In my mind dogs talk dirty.

And why do they hate the UPS man. Every time that guy walks to the front steps the dogs both try to get through the glass to tear him apart. WTF? For all they know he has food for them.

If my dogs could talk I would ask them why they hate cats. I mean I know why I hate cats, they are evil, heartless, devil creatures with no soul who would just as soon cut your eyes out as look at you. Personally I dont think dogs really hate cats so much as all other animals. And I dont think it is hate, it is just this feeling of "I want to chase and bark at you for not apparent reason."

And who decided to cross-breed dogs? When they were thinking of all the good breeds to make what the hell did they design the poodle for? Those little dogs look like loofas. Its like a walking, barking, crapping loofa. But you cant clean your grundle with this one because it has fleas. Great. Just what I need. Fleas up my ass! Anyhow, poodles suck. Well the big ones are ok as long as they dont have a jacked up haircut, but the little ones can burn in hell.

I guess my biggest question for my dogs would be "Why do you lick your balls? I mean dude. Thats freakin nasty. Let that French poodle slut up the street do it".

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