Bill's Opinions 

Phone sex...

I know I know it is for sad people, or kids making prank calls. Well whatever we all have our low moments. Besides this is a depressing time of year for all of us... some of us. So, I was lonely and it was late, alcohol might have been involved... whatever screw you for judging.

Anyhow, to be honest I was very dissapointed. It was not the experience I was led to believe. I almost got stuck in the 9.

The telephone was not designed to have sex with.

Business school is for chumps

The absolute arrogance that oozes out of the business school here makes me want to vomit. Not only are the proffessors mostly big mouthed flakes with large egos who would never make it in the real world, but many of the students seem to think they are royalty.

First of all the training students recieve here is total crap. It is all centered around the idea that we will all me employees of some large corporation one day. While that is very possibly true for many of us... it is no motivation to do well in class. The students are treated like numbers because the classes are freakin huge. The texts include lessons on asking the boss for permission and the general theme is that we are all destined for a cubicle.

Screw that. If I wanted to work for some one for the rest of my life with no chance of starting my own business, would I be at college? No. I would be WORKING for someone! If you want to motivate students tell them that the material they are learning can provide them the insight to be the boss one day. Why would I waste four years and pay an assload of money if all i wanted to do was be the employee?

And who do these proffessors think they are in the first place? If you were such hot shit you would be out in the real world bucko. Those who cannot do, teach. Thats not to say that all proffessors are toold. I have had some good ones. However, several of the ones in the business school seem to be hacks who could not make it in a real job.

Whatever, all I need from them is a minor. If they provide me with that then they can go back to being stuck up wastlands of human fecal matter.

So, this one time I got yelled at...

Actually yell isnt the right word, its more like a stern talking to. People dont yell a lot these days. However it does seem that people with positions of responsibility seem to mistake that responsibility for authority.

For example, the organization I am involved in consists of leadership positions which are applied for by students. They are selected by student council. Student council is selected through an election. COuncil meets every so often with the student president who is also elected, and with the director who is a permanent staff member. No one in this chain of comand has any authority over other people except for the director. The rest of us are burdened with responsibility.

Whats the difference? In my mind the difference is that authority means contol over another person. Responsibility means accountability for the completion of their job. Just because I am on council does not mean that I have authority over people on leadership. I am however responsible for the leadership people in my area.

Moving upwards, the president is responsible for council. However it seems that the higher up one goes in such a bureacracy, the more assumed authority you will find. Its like the more responsibility one has the greater need to show it off they have, which manifests itself as assumed authority.

How insecure are you when you need to pretend to be the boss? I understnad that people need to be in charge when they need to be in charge. However why do some people feel the need to act in charge all the time? Your job ends at some point. Watch yourself and dont overstep your bounds.

I have heard that those with the least authority abuse it the most. I think thats probably about true. I have noticed that people with the most responsibility like to look responsible without actually doing anything that will get their hands dirty. People look for ways to be seen doing things that they neglect the most important stuff when it isnt a highly visible or glamorous job.

The people who get stuck doing all the real work are the ones stuck in the middle. The ones on the bottom of the responsibility ladder are rarely if ever held accountable for their actions because the ones above them have no authority to do anything about it, but the people at the top of the responsibility ladder expect results from those in the middle. So you have the eople in the middle getting crapped on from both directions.

I heard that power corrupts. I think it does, but it makes you into a douche bag first. If the people at the top werent so concerned about looking good they could spread that authority out and save them selves the embarrassment of looking like clowns.

Maybe I just dont like not being in charge, but I think there are so many better ways to do things that the way they are done.

So, you can comment

To do this... until i figure out a better way... you go to the top of the screen where it says archives, then it has a list of all the things I have posted, and if you click around you can find a link that says comment.


"incident" update

Ok, so I had my day in court with that guy that I had the fender bender with. ...ok and the face bender... Basically this is me going to court for the incident that was described here:

Now that you have read what initially happened, listen to what happened in court.

Ok so the guy pressed civil charges for the damage to his car, and built his case around the fact that I fled the scene of an accident. He didnt really play up the fact that I hit him in the head with the flashlight. Maybe he didnt remember exactly what happened (I guess I hit him pretty hard). Either way, my biggest problem in court was trying to explain why I felt the need to crunch the trunk of his car like a cracker and then drive off like nothing happened.

Since no police came to the sceneat the time, I was not officially drunk as far as the court was concerned. Since no accident report was made while I was there all the court had to go on was his story. Unfortunately, his version was pretty acurate.

So here I am in court and this little guy and his just out of law school punk attorney are explaining their version of the story. They are saying I was intoxicated, rude, violent and any thing else they think will make me unlikable. I am poor so I donthave a lawyer. So I am sitting there and waiting until the judge tells me I can speak. The funny part is the whole time I am sitting there waiting for my turn, I am making faces at this guy while his lawyer paces up and down and rambles on. The dude is all redfaced and getting angry with me. I was doing all types of really good faces, but he really got red when I puckerd my lips and blew him a kiss. I dont think the judge saw any of this, because I probably would have gotten yelled at.

Finally I get my chance to explain my side of the story and I tell how he had his turn signal on and it was an honest mistake on my part... blah blah blah. The dide is still over there stewing. I figure if they are going to call me intoxicated, then I am going to call him a few names. The judge didn't know what a nifkin was, and when I explained it, I was almost threatened with contemp. The name calling was aparently offensive to the dude too because as the judge was explaining to me the rules of her courtroom (yeah I know right, how is a woman going to be a judge? I mean we let them vote, but who decided they could have authority outside the kitchen?), the dude I rear ended starts telling me how I am the nifkin, and he is going to rape someone. I think he said mother, but he is foreign, and I couldnt be sure because it kinda sounded like he said " A weell gooing to reep you moffer!" Well, the judge got all freaked out at this point and told him to simmer down. Yeah she really said simmer down... women.

Anyhow he is all high strung now and talking about "ameerican injoostice" or something. The judge goes off on a power trip and yells back at him for disrespecting her. He shouts back about how allah will curse her family, and I am the son of a monkey. I was laughing at this point. For some reason I was smart enough not to say anything. Smartest thing I ever did. The dude goes off on the judge. I mean he goes off. First he tells his lawyet that he is a jakal, and I think he declared jihad on him. He told the judge that where he is from she would not even be allowed shoes, much less a position of authority (I guess this guy isnt all bad after all).

The judge found him in contempt of court and he got fined 100 dollars plus court costs and had to spend the night in jail. I on the other hand have to take a defensive driving course that I think I can actually get an elective credit for.

Justice is served.

Very cool... kinda

I found this site that I think you should check out. zIt is really awesome for when you are awake late at night and have nothing to do and cannot sleep, or just dont want to study.

It lists definitions of all the current slang, and even some slang that people just make up. Good for a laugh.

Good words to look up include but are not limited to:
Magic carpet ride
donkey punch
jewish cowboy

You can even add your own definitions, but why would you when there are so many good ones there?

Besides if you did this you would probably be kind of nerdy.

Christianity = Fascism?

WTF? First of all let me preface this rant with the fact that I am pretty Christian myself. However I am amazed at the close minded of many of my fellow Christians. The arrogance some people have is simply amazing. I cannot even begin to put my disgust with the bulk of so called Christians into a coherent form. So, sit back and buckle up tight because this is going to be a bumpy ride.

First of all if you are going to preach to some one about how to live their life you better be damn near perfect! Why so many Christians act surprised when we are labeled as hypocrites amazes me. Look around you! Left and right there are Christians talking about how drinking is bad, drugs are bad, sex before marriage is bad... and then some Catholic priest goes and rapes a 10 year old boy and doesnt do any time... WTF? Duh! That would be hypocritical... It sends the message that its ok for our clergy to do things we would only see on internet porno sites... but not you the average guy on the street.

We, as a group, should also all probably stop telling everyone who thinks differently than us that they are going to hell. It makes us look like assholes. Don't get me wrong here, Im not saying that I dont think my religion is the right one... I wouldnt believe in Jesus if I didnt think there was validity to this religion. But, thats the point isnt it? Why the freak do we feel the need to tell other people they are going to hell if they think differently than us? Thats kinda an unspoken rule of religion... If you think you are right, others are wrong by default. Telling them they are going to hell is just going to make them hate you. It is very arrogant of us to flat out condemn a person based on something we read in the bible that was probably taken out of context anyhow.

Thats another thing... People put a lot of stock in a book they have probably not even read half of... Dont quote scripture to me if you havent read that thing cover to cover, because if you had, you would know that for every point you can make with a verse I can counter it by manipulating another one. If you are going around telling people they are wrong, or even saying it behind their backs, because they think differently than you, then you probably havent read it all. Now I have not read it all myself either, I know very few people who have. However, nowhere in the parts of the bible that I have read does it say you are to become a bunch of mindless fascist cattle that hates anything different than the contents of your own sheltered little life.

Fascist? What did he just call us? Fascist? Yeah. Because you are forcing your beliefs on people for no other reason than the simple fact you are too stuck up and close minded to open up to something different. Screw you for judging people. Especially you Methodists! What the freak are you doing trying to get people to think the way you do? Have you read any of the book of discipline? The whole point of Methodism is that you dont have to agree on the details, just the big idea! It makes me cringe when sheltered little tools talk about how they got offended by other people drinking, or smoking, or cursing, or doing anything they wouldnt perceive Jesus himself doing. Guess what Jesus is an exception to every rule that has ever been written. Get over it. Until your daddy is omnipotent you dont get to judge anyone. We are all human and we arent perfect, thats the point!

And what the hell is with the singing? Where in the bible does it say to worship Jesus you have to like lame ass songs that are nothing more than three chords a monkey could learn to play, and some painfully dull lyrics? Any little worm can suck up to the group by writing 3 sentences that say I like Jesus... He is good... la la la... lets hold hands and love Jesus together! I guess the verse about passing judgment never makes the cut? Where are the songs about hating gays? When will I hear a Christian song about how anyone who doesnt like to sing, hold hands, hug, and put on a front when they are around other Christians is going to hell? That might be right up some peoples alley.

Have I made my point yet? Are you still reading this? If so you either really hate me by now, in which case you probably totally missed the point, or hopefully you had that first spark of an original thought. Wake the freak up! You can make a mistake and go to heaven! Just because you banged that chick last night doesnt mean you are a heathen bound for hell on the short bus! In fact there is probably room for all you crack heads up there too. There is a difference between making bad choices and being a bad person. In my opinion putting up a front and acting all high and mighty while you are up in the church, but going out and getting blasted and screwing some skank is far worse than simply having what amounts to character "flaws" and being open about them. At least you are honest in that scenario.

To all of you two-faced poser Christians giving us a bad name! Pick a different religion to piss on, or have an original thought and figure out what you believe. Dont ever believe something just because the preacher told you to, or you heard a song about it or read it on some lame ass website for that matter. THINK!

Fascists piss me off. Whatever, Im out.

Prank night... er week?

Ok so Friday night was a little slower than usual. We watched this one dude get raped by the Nintendo cause he couldnt beat some old school Mario game. That bored all of us. And finally boredom turned to destruction.

Our first brilliant Idea was to take this dude and put him in the trunk of my friends car and have him jump out in front of a group of people. Then we tackled him back down and tossed him back in and drove off. We were chased and threatened with the calling of the cops. No more fake kidnappings. But trust me it was very funny. The people at the drive thru will forever remember that night.

So we stepped up to real kidnapping... Kinda. We tried to kidnap this chick but she fought back like a mofo so we took this dude instead. He didnt seem to care. We delivered him to this old frat guy wrapped up in a blanket and duct tape. The look on the mans face when he answered the door was priceless. His jaw was 3 feet below his upper lip.

That wasnt enough. No sir. We had this old mini fridge sitting in our TV room that didnt work, and reeked if you opened it. We decided to deliver it to some girls. We added a nasty piece of meat just for kicks. We left a message on it informing them that they had been fridged. Now this prank in itself is nothing special, but wait it gets better.

Wednesday afternoon the fridge shows up in the back of my truck. Ok. Cool. They like to play like that. Awesome. Lets keep it going. I had to go to their neighborhood to help move some stuff at a place down the street anyhow so I just dropped the fridge back in their driveway. That is less than 2 hours after they gave it back btw. Not a bad turnaround time considering how busy I am this week. Well I leave their house expecting it to turn up in my hall in a couple days or something. I will admit I was quite pleased with myself regardless of what repercussions I had just brought on myself.

Well about an hour after I get home on of the chicks that lives there calls me up and pitches a fit about me being immature. Tells me I am out of hand. Tells me I didnt have any right to be in her neighborhood in the first place, and then calls me a liar when I tell her yes I did. I explain that I simply wanted to return the favor. She was unimpressed with my reasoning and insists that it was uncalled for of me to return that fridge. I explain that I didnt ask for it to appear in my truck either to which of course she replies she had nothing to do with it. I suggest that it magically appeared in my truck, or walked the 3 or so miles from her house to mine. Her voice got a little bit higher pitched at this point as she explained how it was a stupid joke. I may or may not have pointed out that no matter how stupid it was she was the one with a fridge stuck in her yard. I dont remember. Either way we carried on about like this for 10 more minutes before she stopped demanding I take it back from her yard. I dont remember if we resolved anything, but I doubt it because she hung up on me.

That makes the third time I have been lectured or yelled at this week, and its only Wednesday...

Stop eating Christian babies!

SO today the topic of Palestine vs. Israel comes up. Everyone has to pick sides and say who was more oppressed.

To be honest I dont care. I think they are both jacked up. They both want to have claim to the holy land, and both want to be recognized sovereign, and both seem to really hate each other. So what. Cry about it. I hate Canada, but you dont see me suicide bombing it do you? No. Because what good would that do? Canada isnt a real country anyway. Neither are Israel or Palestine. Israel would not even be on a map today if it werent for who? Uncle Sam. Palestine wouldnt exist either if it werent for mind blowingly strange international agreements and rules.

I say that we drop a bunch of knockout gas on that area of the world and send everyone unconscious temporarily. Then we mix them all up and put them within each others boundaries. Then we redraw the map so that it is all one big happy country called Hate. This way they can all hate each other and fight amongst them selves in the same country and be just like America. They can even decide which race is lower on the social latter and give them special privileges that the majority doesnt get.

Oh yeah while they are unconscious we should rescue all the Christian babies so that the Palestinians and Israelis cant eat them. While I agree it is good for them to find common ground, eating babies is just plain wrong.

Holiday Season already?

So I was at a mall in Atlanta the other day, and I noticed something strange. In the world of shopping 2 major (well kinda big at least) holidays are totally overlooked. Malls completely erase Halloween and Thanksgiving from the calendar. Now, Thanksgiving is a fake holiday anyhow, so I respect their decision on that one. But, Halloween is like freakin awesome! I mean why cant the malls get into Halloween like everyone else? Christmas is not for 2 full months. If you are already doing Christmas shopping then you need to slow it down homie!

I guess that I should be flattered that the mainstream secular world has gone to such great lengths to embrace the birth of Jesus. I mean at my church we only celebrate during advent. Thats not good enough for the malls though. They want people to think about Jesus from mid October right up until new years! That is totally respectable!

It is a little biased though. I mean the pagan holiday of Halloween is totally neglected in favor of my religion. Thats not really fair is it? Come to think of it... all the big commercial holidays are Christian ones. And, if you want to get technical they share the same name and calendar date, but that is it. I dont remember reading in the book of Mathew about a fat man who drives a sleigh pulled by flying livestock.

Easter is the same way. Who the freak decided that holiday could be celebrated by egg laying vermin that come into our houses while we sleep and deposit large brown eggs? I think someone at the card company made a bet that he couldnt dupe the world into celebrating a holiday based on rabbits taking dumps in our homes while we sleep. There must have been bonus points for passing it off as a religious holiday. Either way you look at it, something is odd.

In fairness, where are the Jewish commercial holidays? I guess the holiday inventors knew that Jews were kinda tight with their money, and probably wouldnt pay up for some silly commercial make believe. But still what if they were marketed like Christian Holidays? There could be a Hanukah turtle that carries a shell full of dradles, and matza. What about some Arab commercial rip off holidays? Where is the Ramadan fairy?

In any case it is almost Halloween. The malls may have forgotten about it. It might be an evil holiday. But, I just have one thing to say about it. Satan... this ones for you buddy!

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