Christianity = Fascism? 

Christianity = Fascism?

WTF? First of all let me preface this rant with the fact that I am pretty Christian myself. However I am amazed at the close minded of many of my fellow Christians. The arrogance some people have is simply amazing. I cannot even begin to put my disgust with the bulk of so called Christians into a coherent form. So, sit back and buckle up tight because this is going to be a bumpy ride.

First of all if you are going to preach to some one about how to live their life you better be damn near perfect! Why so many Christians act surprised when we are labeled as hypocrites amazes me. Look around you! Left and right there are Christians talking about how drinking is bad, drugs are bad, sex before marriage is bad... and then some Catholic priest goes and rapes a 10 year old boy and doesnt do any time... WTF? Duh! That would be hypocritical... It sends the message that its ok for our clergy to do things we would only see on internet porno sites... but not you the average guy on the street.

We, as a group, should also all probably stop telling everyone who thinks differently than us that they are going to hell. It makes us look like assholes. Don't get me wrong here, Im not saying that I dont think my religion is the right one... I wouldnt believe in Jesus if I didnt think there was validity to this religion. But, thats the point isnt it? Why the freak do we feel the need to tell other people they are going to hell if they think differently than us? Thats kinda an unspoken rule of religion... If you think you are right, others are wrong by default. Telling them they are going to hell is just going to make them hate you. It is very arrogant of us to flat out condemn a person based on something we read in the bible that was probably taken out of context anyhow.

Thats another thing... People put a lot of stock in a book they have probably not even read half of... Dont quote scripture to me if you havent read that thing cover to cover, because if you had, you would know that for every point you can make with a verse I can counter it by manipulating another one. If you are going around telling people they are wrong, or even saying it behind their backs, because they think differently than you, then you probably havent read it all. Now I have not read it all myself either, I know very few people who have. However, nowhere in the parts of the bible that I have read does it say you are to become a bunch of mindless fascist cattle that hates anything different than the contents of your own sheltered little life.

Fascist? What did he just call us? Fascist? Yeah. Because you are forcing your beliefs on people for no other reason than the simple fact you are too stuck up and close minded to open up to something different. Screw you for judging people. Especially you Methodists! What the freak are you doing trying to get people to think the way you do? Have you read any of the book of discipline? The whole point of Methodism is that you dont have to agree on the details, just the big idea! It makes me cringe when sheltered little tools talk about how they got offended by other people drinking, or smoking, or cursing, or doing anything they wouldnt perceive Jesus himself doing. Guess what Jesus is an exception to every rule that has ever been written. Get over it. Until your daddy is omnipotent you dont get to judge anyone. We are all human and we arent perfect, thats the point!

And what the hell is with the singing? Where in the bible does it say to worship Jesus you have to like lame ass songs that are nothing more than three chords a monkey could learn to play, and some painfully dull lyrics? Any little worm can suck up to the group by writing 3 sentences that say I like Jesus... He is good... la la la... lets hold hands and love Jesus together! I guess the verse about passing judgment never makes the cut? Where are the songs about hating gays? When will I hear a Christian song about how anyone who doesnt like to sing, hold hands, hug, and put on a front when they are around other Christians is going to hell? That might be right up some peoples alley.

Have I made my point yet? Are you still reading this? If so you either really hate me by now, in which case you probably totally missed the point, or hopefully you had that first spark of an original thought. Wake the freak up! You can make a mistake and go to heaven! Just because you banged that chick last night doesnt mean you are a heathen bound for hell on the short bus! In fact there is probably room for all you crack heads up there too. There is a difference between making bad choices and being a bad person. In my opinion putting up a front and acting all high and mighty while you are up in the church, but going out and getting blasted and screwing some skank is far worse than simply having what amounts to character "flaws" and being open about them. At least you are honest in that scenario.

To all of you two-faced poser Christians giving us a bad name! Pick a different religion to piss on, or have an original thought and figure out what you believe. Dont ever believe something just because the preacher told you to, or you heard a song about it or read it on some lame ass website for that matter. THINK!

Fascists piss me off. Whatever, Im out.

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