"incident" update 

"incident" update

Ok, so I had my day in court with that guy that I had the fender bender with. ...ok and the face bender... Basically this is me going to court for the incident that was described here: http://www.blogeasy.com/blog.view.run?ID=1065999130204

Now that you have read what initially happened, listen to what happened in court.

Ok so the guy pressed civil charges for the damage to his car, and built his case around the fact that I fled the scene of an accident. He didnt really play up the fact that I hit him in the head with the flashlight. Maybe he didnt remember exactly what happened (I guess I hit him pretty hard). Either way, my biggest problem in court was trying to explain why I felt the need to crunch the trunk of his car like a cracker and then drive off like nothing happened.

Since no police came to the sceneat the time, I was not officially drunk as far as the court was concerned. Since no accident report was made while I was there all the court had to go on was his story. Unfortunately, his version was pretty acurate.

So here I am in court and this little guy and his just out of law school punk attorney are explaining their version of the story. They are saying I was intoxicated, rude, violent and any thing else they think will make me unlikable. I am poor so I donthave a lawyer. So I am sitting there and waiting until the judge tells me I can speak. The funny part is the whole time I am sitting there waiting for my turn, I am making faces at this guy while his lawyer paces up and down and rambles on. The dude is all redfaced and getting angry with me. I was doing all types of really good faces, but he really got red when I puckerd my lips and blew him a kiss. I dont think the judge saw any of this, because I probably would have gotten yelled at.

Finally I get my chance to explain my side of the story and I tell how he had his turn signal on and it was an honest mistake on my part... blah blah blah. The dide is still over there stewing. I figure if they are going to call me intoxicated, then I am going to call him a few names. The judge didn't know what a nifkin was, and when I explained it, I was almost threatened with contemp. The name calling was aparently offensive to the dude too because as the judge was explaining to me the rules of her courtroom (yeah I know right, how is a woman going to be a judge? I mean we let them vote, but who decided they could have authority outside the kitchen?), the dude I rear ended starts telling me how I am the nifkin, and he is going to rape someone. I think he said mother, but he is foreign, and I couldnt be sure because it kinda sounded like he said " A weell gooing to reep you moffer!" Well, the judge got all freaked out at this point and told him to simmer down. Yeah she really said simmer down... women.

Anyhow he is all high strung now and talking about "ameerican injoostice" or something. The judge goes off on a power trip and yells back at him for disrespecting her. He shouts back about how allah will curse her family, and I am the son of a monkey. I was laughing at this point. For some reason I was smart enough not to say anything. Smartest thing I ever did. The dude goes off on the judge. I mean he goes off. First he tells his lawyet that he is a jakal, and I think he declared jihad on him. He told the judge that where he is from she would not even be allowed shoes, much less a position of authority (I guess this guy isnt all bad after all).

The judge found him in contempt of court and he got fined 100 dollars plus court costs and had to spend the night in jail. I on the other hand have to take a defensive driving course that I think I can actually get an elective credit for.

Justice is served.

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