I am self centered. 

I am self centered.

Thats what I decided the other day. I want things done my way and at my convenience. I would prefer for things to run on my schedule. It would make things easier if everyone did what I said and shut up about it. I also decided that about 99 percent of other people would probably like things to happen their way also.

The really cool thing is that there are only a small percentage of us that will actually attempt to stop the world and make it work to our convenience. We are the ones who have the nerve, and are self centered enough, to work to adapt any situation to our benifit. I dont mean we are those lazy people that just dont want to work. I mean we put effort into making things run as smoothly for us as possible. If there is a glitch in our life we fix it, or at least try to. This group is often mistaken for lazy, but there are subtle differences that we will get to later.

The rest of you fall into two categories. The first is people that accept the fact that things will not go their way all of the time, and simply deal with it. They may complain but in the end they just deal with it. The second is the ones that simply expect the world to stop for them so they can do what they please.

How is that different than what was described above? Well, one group actually puts effort into making life benefit them. The other, "lazy" group has an arrogant sense of entitlement, and simply expects the world to bow down to them. You have to earn supremacy.

I have discovered that I have very little use for this "lazy" group. I would say that they are either more self centered than most. Either that or they are not smart enough to funtion normally but are smart enough to recognize this, so they complain about the hand life dealt them and whine for special treatment.

Being self centered is not a bad thing to a point. If you are willing to work for what you want thats great. Dont expect it to come to you. Stupid, lazy and self centered is a crappy combination, and it makes for an ass of a human being.

Bassically what I am saying is that one day I will own all of you bitches!

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