

I dont know why, but I was thinking about the good ole days and I remembered an old neighbor. Mister Candler lived above us for 2 short years when I lived in an apartment. He was in his late 50's and was probably the nicest older guy I have ever met.

Mr. Candler kept weird hours. I only saw him when I would come back in from school. He was usually just getting the paper in at about that time. In fact the only times I ever saw him were just in passing. He would always tell me I should study hard and keep in shape so I would have good stamina when I was his age.

I dont think Mr. Candler slept too well because he was always listening to the radio or watching tv late at night. I think he was really into the discovery channel because he watched shows that sounded like they were about taming wild animals and stuff. He also had weird taste in music. It was all cheesy 70's sounding stuff. But he was older so I guess it makes sense.

He was always hanging out with his daughters. He had like 6 of them. There was no misses Candler that I knew of. I guess she passed away before I ever knew him. But I never saw his daughters leave. They would all come by about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, but I guess they left after I was asleep. I think sometimes they stayed late to watch TV with him. They seemed to know a lot about taming animals too. I think they would imitate the discovery channel or something because they were always making animal noises and stuff.

I will never forget that aweful fight he had with one of his daughters. She kept yelling about money he owed her, and how she was better than him. She left and I never saw her again.

Mr. Candler was arrested shortly after that. As it turns out his daughters werent in college. They were all between the ages of 16 and 18. How can one man have 6 or so daughter all 2 years apart? He cant. You see, they werent his daughters. In fact they were not even related to him... I hope. They were his employees. Mr. Candler was running an adult video business out of his apartment. He was having sex with all of these girls and selling video tape of it. And now you know... the rest of the story.

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