Let me know what you think... 

Let me know what you think...

So I have this little problem and I need advice...

The other night I was driving home and I hit this guy from behind at an intersection. I was driving the bigger vehicle, and I know the law says that I am at fault but listen to the specifics...

Ok, I was drunk as crap so of course I can't be expected to drive properly. He was stopped at a red light but had his turn signal on, so I just figured he was going to turn since it was like 3 am, and there was no traffic. He didn't. So I smacked into him. I was in my friend's truck that had this brush guard on the front of it, so I am good to go. He was in one of those little rice burning Hondas, and now it really has no rear end. Anyhow I got out and politely asked him who the hell he thought he was sitting there in an empty intersection like it was a parking lot. He got all up tight and told me there was a sign that said no turn on red. To be honest I don't know if there was or not. I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't see worth crap anyhow. So we argued for like 10 minutes, which was annoying because he had a high-pitched voice like a little kid. "You hit my car... It is your fault... Now I have no trunk..." Blah Blah blah. Well I kept trying to explain to him that if he had not been sitting there, I wouldn't have hit him, it's that simple. One thing led to another and he walked up to me and tried to hit me. Pshh I am not having that at all so I walked over to my friend's truck and got his mag lite out of the glove box. I told this little guy that if he didn't watch out I was going to bash him in the face. Well he thought that was a threat, and told me he dared me to... Never dare a drunk guy to do something that has no foreseeable downside. So I smacked him as hard as I could in the head with it. I thought I missed because he just fell out like a light. I mean it wasn't like hitting anything with substance. This guy couldn't have been more than like 130 pounds. Anyhow by this point it was really late and I had stuff to do the next day. I mean I kinda felt bad for leaving him there, but he was a twerp anyhow. So I just got in my friends truck and left.

My questions at this point are many. Should I tell my friend that I was in an accident with his car? Do I need to file an accident report? I think I may be open to legal repercussions if I don't do something. I mean I am not really sure if my friend has insurance. I just needed his truck to get to the bar. I thought about calling an ambulance to pick up that guy I smacked. Then I decided it was just the hand fate dealt him. I mean no one did me any favors this morning when I had a hangover, so why should I help that dude out? I mean what luck right? Why does this crap always happen to me?

In any case I would like your advice. Thanks!

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Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:33 am MST by Lakers Tickets

Comment Are you an idiot or something? I just thought I'd ask. Actually, I don't even NEED to ask, there is no doubt... DUH...get a clue dumbass... ~jen~

Sun Oct 12, 2003 8:49 pm MST by jen

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