Nerds suck!
So from time to time I read other peoples websites and profiles and webjournals. While I am glad these people have the free time to post their thoughts there are some rules that should be followed.
1. Never use the word blog, blogger, blogerific, blogalicious, or any other form of the root blog to describe your site. I realize the name of this service, but that is a copyrighted name that is used to market the site and is supposed to be catchy and stupid. When you use these words you only wind up looking like a bigger ass. You cannot become cool by using nerd lingo.
2. Be careful what you write in your journal. There is a good chance no one wants to read it. If the most exciting thing that happened to you today is something that happened at work, and it happens every day then spare me. I do not care if the fat lady tore her pants again, or if the boss said something else stupid. Unless it will make me laugh, I do not want to read it. Think really hard before you waste my time with a stupid post. With that said this rule does not apply to me. I am creator of these rules and therefore above them. Deal with it.
3. If you suck in real life your website will probably suck too. Don't try to compensate for being a really big tool in real life by acting like a stud online. If you suck, then you suck. Believe me, it comes through over the internet.
Keep these rules in mind when posting things on sites like these. Thank you for your patronage.
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lol the internet is a serious place look whos a tool in real lif
I have to disagree with you on this. This is basically an online journal service. People are free to post whatever it is they wish. No one is asking YOU to be entertained. I know when I write in mine, I write for me, not for you or anyone else.
Personally, I would rather read about someones day than a bunch of crap on someones opinion. I hear opinions all day. This is not to say that I don't pick up a paper and keep up to date on current issues, I do. This is also not to say that I don't value other opinions---most of the time I do.
BUT, for you to post about what is GOOD blogging or whatever is kinda lame BECAUSE this is an ONLINE JOURNAL SERVICE. People can post whatever they want...
Have a good day...happy reading.