When I work out I want to get dehydrated! 

When I work out I want to get dehydrated!

Have you ever noticed that soft drinks like sprite and mountain dew are being marketed as sports drinks? Their ads look just like Gatorade ads. Is there anyone who doesn??????t know that carbonated drinks dehydrate you? Not only that but they are just sugar long with the carbonation. What good is that going to do me?

Then there are the "real" energy drinks that actually give you energy. Have you ever read the back of a Red Bull can? That drink won't give you wings but it will at least provide energy like it claims. There is nothing in it except sugar and caffeine. Well there are some B vitamins too. Maybe those are what make it taste like piss.

Oh well, maybe I am just old fashioned but I will stick with water when I am actually working up a sweat.

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