Back to school... 

Back to school...

So summer semester is over and naw it is fall. For those of you who arent in college let me tell you what that means. It means that this small college town of 44,000 people has now grown by 50 percent in the past week, and none of them are good drivers. In fact most of them shoul dhave their driving priveleges revoked. It is like taking 85 cats and lighting them on fire, and then putting them all into a pen designed to hold 50. It doesnt work out so well for most of the cats.

Even the gym is more crowded. There was litterally a line for the bench press. I dont understand why that one excercise seems to be the measure of a mans strength, but it is by far the most popular thing in the weight room. It is fun to see the guys who only work out their chests and biceps hangin around by the weights like they are hard. All I have to say to them is that you look like a retard. You dont look as stupid as the dick who wore his shades at the gym. I dont mean like black normal person sunglasses. No. These were like Cyclops from xmen sunglasses. Crystalized orange lenses or some crazyness, and they wrapped aroundhis head. You looked like a butt nut, and I hope that you get jacked up vision from trying to be a pimp in the damn gym. Go back to orlando with that crap chief.

It isnt all bad. There are a lot of positives to fall semester. Fotball season is a big deal. Even if you hate football there is so much that surrounds the games that it is very eventful for most. Classes are way easier in the fall also. I had forgottenhow much easier it is to go to class for an hour a day 3 times a week instead of 2 and a half hours a day 5 days a week. I have no excuse not to make all A's this semester. That means I have all semester to come up with one though.

Textbooks are still expensive as a bitch. I bought 3 of them fo my measly nine hours of class and spent $207.00. I almost shat myself. I figured a sudden fecal drop at the register might not be the most polite thing in the world. SO I regained control of my bowels and payed the damn money and walked out with my head held down in shame. I was ripped off yet again. Oh well, that is why I am taking business classes, so that I may learn the ways of the con. One day it is me who will be doing the ripping.

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