strangest conversatin of the day... 

strangest conversatin of the day...

This is me and my friend talking about what is by far the strangest story I have heard in a while...

WKP2: so my friend Ims me and says he has a riend that knows someone who let e cow suck him off
WKP2: and before I can even comprehend that
WKP2: he follows with the cow sucked the skin and some of the meat off
WKP2: wtf
WKP2: why do people feel the need to share that with me?
him: .......
WKP2: so I say well, beef its whats for dinner
WKP2: and he tells me I am sick
him: haha
WKP2: and says "oh my god"
WKP2: and i say only if he was hindu
him: hahahahahahahaha
WKP2: andhe says he wasnt
WKP2: and i say well
WKP2: i hope he wasnt jewish
WKP2: because no way can that cow ever be kosher
WKP2: but then again if you do eat it there will be a little bit of your friend in every bite
him: ha
WKP2: it was the strangest convo i had all day
him: yeah, well, i think that would beat anything
him: so wait, the cow sucked part of the meat off?
him: like it wounded him?
WKP2: yeah
WKP2: like a circumcisuon as i underastand
WKP2: except with a cow
WKP2: so i guess he got bit
him: awwwwwwwww
WKP2: yeah
WKP2: its like broken and chapped and how the freak you gonna tell the doctor how it happened?
WKP2: its like well bessy just looked like she wanted this
him: blame it on reality television
WKP2: yeah
WKP2: aparently fear was not a factor with him
him: yeah, this time around its the cow that eats your penis
WKP2: and in a weird twist of irony the cow and his three stomachs will spit it up and chew it again for like the next day and a half
WKP2: so its like the longest bj ever

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